Be part of the volunteers against COVID-19

These days are being very difficult, as we told you last week in Talentec we began to take measures due to the COVID-19, now we want to contribute our granite, that is why doing an investigation about how we could help we ran into the CoronaVirus Makers, a network of volunteers spread across teams in

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all over the country dedicated to "coordinate, research, print, gossip, communicate, standardize, analyze, produce ... etc" and what did we decide to do? Well, we decided to join the solidarity and beautiful initiative, but not alone, hand in hand with our super 3D printer we are developing visors for use in the health field with the aim of preventing the spread of the virus.

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Do you want to join the proposal? We leave the link for you to access the CoronaVirus Maker website there you will have all the info and you will see how you can contribute your granite too.

#TogetherWeCan #TalentecStayHome